Tuesday, December 8, 2015


It's December. I posted on this blog about as much as I ran in November. It was so cold and dark that I just couldn't get into the running game. I did, however, do the next best thing: read. Now you may laugh (which I hope you do) but sometimes reading the right thing at the right time can change your life.

My book club just finished reading "Better Than Before" by Gretchen Rubin. This book is about habits, how we make them, break them, and what will help us keep them. She states that there are 4 types of people who all react differently to habits. I took the quiz and I am an obliger.
Basically I am great at keeping commitments to others, but I tend to let personal commitments fall to the wayside since I only disappoint myself. Therefore, the key is external accountability aka blogging! Yeah, it took me a book to realize it officially. The rest of the book gave tips and ways to help keep the habits you want to keep. So, how have things changed since then? I use the "Lose It" app on my phone to count calories and realize what is going in my mouth. Then, I show my husband everything I ate at the end of the day and how much I exercised. Makes me less likely to eat "half a box of Life cereal" and explain how that happened to my husband.

I can say I have done quite well keeping a calorie deficit since doing this. I am also more aware of how much can be frittered away with snacking and how to use my calories wisely.

And my 5k is this Saturday. I am beginning to panic since the furthest I have run was about 2 miles which was a month ago. I have been doing a little bit of HIIT but am no where near ready for a 5k! So once december came I ran a mile. Then a few days later I ran 1.35 miles. I was quite discouraged because it was very difficult (then again I was pushing Ellie in the stroller which is so hard!). Monday Matthew had the day off work and we were at my parent's house for Ellie's nap. We were planning on running, but it was raining and cold. And then I thought, "This is such a great opportunity to run with my husband, without Ellie, and get a long run in. I can always find an excuse not to, but I need to JUST DO IT." I got off the couch and said, "Let's go!" With the encouragement of my husband we ended up running 2.65 miles at a 12 minute mile pace...ish. It felt pretty good too! I think I may have a chance on Saturday after all!
Bundled up for a cold run with mommy!

So this week I am going to go on an easy run, recover and eat well and get ready for the goal I set months ago...my 5k!

So more regular blogging for me, and if you see me in person, feel free to ask about my exercise or results. I need the external accountability!

Christmas tree shopping!

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