Of course, a logical solution would be to go exercise! Warm up! Sweat! But I can't even get off the couch right now. I thought about going for a light jog around Bradley Lake Park...but it's too cold and sad outside. Plus I don't know if there would be people around and I don't want to run there by myself. Idea 2. Go to the gym at our apartments...but it's small and boring. And people are there and that makes me nervous to work out in such close quarters. Excuses, excuses.
All right then, that leaves me my third option. Do something at home. SO, I will sit on Pinterest and get inspired (discouraged and frustrated) by looking at fit people and how easy it is to get in shape. Not working. Okay...let's see what is On Demand for exercise. Let's see...Calorie blaster, not quite up for that today. Advanced Pilates I would die. Prenatal yoga....no. Oh, More Daily Energy sounds nice...oh....it's 53 minutes. Seems like an oxymoron. Ah, here we go. Beginner Shape Up Yoga - 24 minutes. And there's pretty flowers on the title. Let me give this a try...
24 minutes later...I did it! I am a little warmer and a little nauseous, but I did it! And I realized how stiff I am. Therefore, I am going to try stretching every day and see if my muscles feel better.
Tomorrow I start a 4 day stretch of work, of which I am dreading. I walk a lot at work and can hardly move after a 12 hour shift, so extra exercise will not be occurring. Therefore, I will focus the next few days on my eating habits, dun dun dun. Stay tuned!
Yoga is a GREAT way to stretch, relax and get energy. I have to do it every morning or my day just is not the same. :)