Tuesday, December 8, 2015


It's December. I posted on this blog about as much as I ran in November. It was so cold and dark that I just couldn't get into the running game. I did, however, do the next best thing: read. Now you may laugh (which I hope you do) but sometimes reading the right thing at the right time can change your life.

My book club just finished reading "Better Than Before" by Gretchen Rubin. This book is about habits, how we make them, break them, and what will help us keep them. She states that there are 4 types of people who all react differently to habits. I took the quiz and I am an obliger.
Basically I am great at keeping commitments to others, but I tend to let personal commitments fall to the wayside since I only disappoint myself. Therefore, the key is external accountability aka blogging! Yeah, it took me a book to realize it officially. The rest of the book gave tips and ways to help keep the habits you want to keep. So, how have things changed since then? I use the "Lose It" app on my phone to count calories and realize what is going in my mouth. Then, I show my husband everything I ate at the end of the day and how much I exercised. Makes me less likely to eat "half a box of Life cereal" and explain how that happened to my husband.

I can say I have done quite well keeping a calorie deficit since doing this. I am also more aware of how much can be frittered away with snacking and how to use my calories wisely.

And my 5k is this Saturday. I am beginning to panic since the furthest I have run was about 2 miles which was a month ago. I have been doing a little bit of HIIT but am no where near ready for a 5k! So once december came I ran a mile. Then a few days later I ran 1.35 miles. I was quite discouraged because it was very difficult (then again I was pushing Ellie in the stroller which is so hard!). Monday Matthew had the day off work and we were at my parent's house for Ellie's nap. We were planning on running, but it was raining and cold. And then I thought, "This is such a great opportunity to run with my husband, without Ellie, and get a long run in. I can always find an excuse not to, but I need to JUST DO IT." I got off the couch and said, "Let's go!" With the encouragement of my husband we ended up running 2.65 miles at a 12 minute mile pace...ish. It felt pretty good too! I think I may have a chance on Saturday after all!
Bundled up for a cold run with mommy!

So this week I am going to go on an easy run, recover and eat well and get ready for the goal I set months ago...my 5k!

So more regular blogging for me, and if you see me in person, feel free to ask about my exercise or results. I need the external accountability!

Christmas tree shopping!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Carbs and Nike

I love carbs. Carbs make the world go round. Carbs are the circle of completion....and you're beginning to wonder how I am sticking to a healthy lifestyle? Me too.

My original plan was to do minimal carbs on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Those were tough days! I had some good meals like chicken salad in lettuce wraps and chicken thighs with asparagus. But it took a lot of planning and resistance training (not the exercise kind) for me to make it through low carb days. I originally did this to challenge my mindset about food and to jump start my metabolism. I know, I know, healthy carbs are good and necessary and I eat those on the other days...but I am starting to have difficulty sticking with anything and therefore will do lower carb days/meals rather than zero carbs for an entire day. Maybe that will help!

Yummy chicken salad lettuce wraps
Not so yummy cucumber and turkey sliders. This meal made me sad.
 My first two weeks went really well! I ran over a mile 3x a week and even did 1.6 miles without stopping! And my husband and I played racquetball for his birthday like the good ole days. We were laughing because we were winded and worn out after a few minutes. We used to play when we were 20, so we have aged a bit.
Racquetball is so fun. What a great workout!
Things were great. And then...I had to exercise while pushing my daughter. SHE loved it, but it was awful! I used a borrowed BOB jogging stroller and wanted to cry. It was so hard to maneuver and guide while running. I was confused as to the reason for this. And then, it dawned on me. It is a JOGGING stroller, not a "barely faster than walking pace" stroller. It is for a faster pace than I am able to go at this time. So I humbly put the jogging stroller away for a later date and pulled out the regular stroller. MUCH better, but still hard when I want to pump my arms but have to keep the little girl from drifting into a juniper bush. Needless to say, when I have someone to stay with the little one, my runs are pretty good. When I have to push her, I get discouraged and miss runs. Being honest. But there have been a few times I didn't want to run or didn't know how or when or where and the Nike slogan rang true. JUST DO IT! Literally I would not think or debate any longer but would put my shoes on and go. What an overused but wonderful slogan!

One bright spot in this journey has been a new find while doing Zumba at home. These girls are a part of Refit and are revolutionizing fitness and post positive workouts! How can you not be happy watching/exercising to this in the morning! Check them out!

So this isn't a post about how I overcame it all and have already lost 15 pounds. I am still finding a groove and learning along the way. Any encouragement about what worked for you, especially when you have a little one would be most appreciated!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

I'm Baaaaack!

It has been 2 years since I last posted on this blog. My goodness how things have changed! We bought our first house in October 2013!! But the BIGGEST change was that we had our beautiful daughter, Ellie, in July of 2014! She is so much fun and has changed our lives for the better!

Now a little history into why I have been gone and why I'm back.

I originally got in shape to be strong and healthy and ready for kids! My last run was the Turkey Trot November 2013 when I was 5 weeks pregnant.
I was 5 weeks pregnant here!
And then, morning sickness. I threw up almost every day (except the days I worked since I didn't have time to) usually twice a day. I laid on the couch and would cry over the fact that food no longer sounded good. At all. Ever. This finally passed at about week 14 and by then I had been out of ANY exercise for 10 weeks and was excited to eat anything that sounded good. I began walking but also was cautious not to push myself. Then I started having PVCs and got worked up to find out if my heart condition had returned (it hadn't). And then I had back pain and visited the chiropractor to help with my ailments. Long story short, I only walked a few times a week during my pregnancy.

Then I had Ellie via Csection because she turned breach 5 days before I went into labor. So the recovery from that was very rough and everything hurt or didn't work properly for about 6 MONTHS! After feeling so crummy, I was determined to get back into shape....AFTER I had nursed for 1 full year, in case my regiment affected supply. So here I am today. Ellie is 13 months, weaning, and this mommy is ready to get fit and back to pre-pregnancy weight (BEFORE Ellie becomes a big sister). Hopefully then I can continue to be fit like my girl Elanor, who is running 5ks while 24 weeks pregnant! Go read and be inspired! http://elanorfreiheit.blogspot.com/

SIDE NOTE: Another major change that just happened: I turned in my resignation from the ICU. It was a difficult decision that I knew was the right one. I accepted an on-call position in an observation unit which will hopefully be less stress- mentally, physically and emotionally. It also gives me flexibility in babysitting schedules and most importantly gives me more time to focus on my family and raising my amazing little girl! I will miss the idea of being an ICU nurse and the amazing opportunity it was to impact patient lives, but I will especially miss my coworkers who have had my back and helped me be a better nurse these past 3.5 years. Thank you and hopefully I will see you around...maybe if I float to PCU or ICU for a day!

So with a little less stress and fewer work days, a weaning baby, and wonderful fall weather, I am embarking on my journey September 7th! I gained 40 pounds with the pregnancy and lost 25 within the first weeks after she was born, so 15 pounds to go!

To prepare I bought a super cute calendar to write in my workouts, meals, rest days etc. I am good at doing preplanned things, but have trouble getting moving when nothing is written down.

The plan? Well, it's partially motivated from the Powell's Carb-cycling and healthy eating, and partially trying to run a 5k in December. So here's the gist:

1. Portion control - Nothing is really off limits, but I try and fuel my body, eat smart carbs, healthy fats and lean proteins and focus on NOT getting seconds or eating 3 portion sizes.
2. Eat frequently - 3 meals and two snacks through the day to keep from starving!
3. Tuesday and Thursday are low carb days. Focus on protein and healthy fats. This is tough to come up with ideas that don't involve bread....since I am a self-diagnosed breadatarian and all...
4. Run or do aerobic activity on high carb days to work up to a 5k that doesn't kill me.
5. Rest every Sunday!!

So Monday the 7th I began. I got wonderful, healthy food from the grocery store and ran a mile....thankfully my hsuband gave me a great pep talk to help me with this daunting run "You can do it! You'll feel like crap, but do it anyway!" thanks Sweetie!

So I "ran" without stopping and pulled an impressive, I mean, laughable, 13:30 mile before collapsing on the front steps. Ok, so I need to go faster, but this shows me where I am starting! Let's see how I improve.

Thanks for tuning back in and sorry for the MIA. Hopefully we can get healthy together and encourage one another! I know I'll need it!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Quinoa & Cupcakes

I feel like my healthy lifestyle mimics the ebbs and flows of our summer time and its weather. I do pretty good most days with a few blazing hot, awesome days that make you feel alive (ie eat well, hard core exercise). And then throw in some cloudy days...and maybe a slice of pizza. For example, I committed to cardio and weights on Mondays and Wednesdays and every other Saturday with yoga on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Here is how things have shaped up (no pun intended...okay, maybe a little intended ;)

Monday: Hard core workout at gym
Tuesday: Nope, ate a cupcake instead
Wednesday: Treadmill & weights followed by yummy dinner and mini-golf
Thursday: Worked...heck no, not working out like I said I would

Monday: Yay! Gym and weights - Feeling pumped
Tuesday: Nope, fixed lasagna and hungout with friends :)
Wednesday: Did NOT feel like working out, but did anyway! Yay!
Thursday: Worked, like always, and did nothing when I got home, like always

Saturday: Went camping for first time! Walked around and set up a tent, does that count?
Monday: Too tired from camping....and a headache. No workout :(
Tuesday: Did the dishes...does that count?
Wednesday: Yet to be decided...planning to get back to gym tonight

So here it is a week later and the only exercise I have done is the dishes. It is amazing how life can fly by and you feel as though the train sped down the tracks before you could catch up and jump on. But thankfully, no one else is conducting the train but me, so I can tell it when to stop and start. Yes, it is harder to start and stop because I lose momentum, but at least it hasn't left me behind in the dust. So here's to hopping back on a slow rolling train.

So that is my exercise life, how about food? I don't like counting calories I decided. It is pretty depressing especially since I have had some good and bad meal experiences these past few weeks. Instead of just showing my healthy choices, I cannot lie and must show the not so healthy eating experiences I have also had...because that's my reality. Starting with this...
We went up to U Village and ate Chicago Style pizza at Delfino's. As you can tell, it was sooo good and sooo filling and soo not healthy. But it was good and in the past. Mmmmm. 

The next day I was feeling a little woozy from the pizza so I had peanut butter toast and Chobani yogurt, which tasted way better with my free Menchie's spoon :)

Then a few days passed and I started to run out of groceries. I decided to try this yummy recipe from the Chew!
Black Bean Egg Tacos Mario Batali
Picture and recipe from thechew.com. Get it here
So I pulled out all the ingredients, started making it, and pulled out my tortillas. Gasp!
What am I supposed to do with that? I had no idea and was debating on whether to toss them...or make chips. I thought, "Gosh, I wish I had glue that was edible." And then...Brilliant! I DO have edible glue. It's called....CHEEEEESE!
I brushed some olive oil and heated both sides in the pan to seal the cheese.
Voila! Cheap, tasty dinner with tortillas that actually worked! Go me.

We also went to a wonderful wedding that had a Cajun food truck catering! We got sweet tea and super healthy options as evidenced by this picture...(note sarcasm and shame)
But they were yummy and we shared them. That helps, right?

Then we went camping for one night a couple weeks later and had the usual: Hot dogs with chili, smores, chips, pancakes, eggs and bacon for breakfast. I did not feel so good for a couple days after all that yumminess. At least I didn't wrap my hot dog in bacon like the boys did.
It was a fun experience, but I have got to figure out some other food options that my body feels better with.

I had had enough of junk food and got on this quinoa kick. I made large batches of quinoa and then tried different recipes and froze them for later. I think the key is to cook the quinoa in broth instead of water. I used chicken broth and it gives so much more flavor. I did a mushroom and onion with Parmesan cheese recipe and a cilantro lime quinoa. I also did a plain batch in water and will find other recipes to use it with. They turned out pretty good and quinoa is the new super food. 1 cup has 15% of daily intake of iron, 21% daily intake of fiber, 8 grams of protein and 222 calories. Yum!
So there are my food confessions. I am a bit embarrassed and humbled by some of my food choices the last few weeks. I make the excuse "it's a special occasion" at least a couple times a week. I either need to make better options or just eat a lot less. Thank you for letting me confess and hopefully you will be patient with me and yourselves as we have our ups and downs. This is a lifestyle and reality, and it's not perfect. But hang in there, we will make it and be proud of how far we have come. Cheers (with a glass of water).
Us camping

Monday, July 29, 2013

Bachelor Food, a Wedding & CCRN

Wow! A lot has happened since I last posted! I will start from the beginning....

Once upon a time...

Oh wait, not that beginning...

The week I posted last was wedding week for my sister-in-law Abigail! Somehow, through all the parties, hangouts and dinners, I was able to workout on the days that I had planned! Monday and Wednesday we went to the gym for cardio and weights and Tuesday I did some yoga. Wednesday at a family dinner, my sister-in-law Lindsay asked if I had done my weights and cardio that day! Talk about accountability! Thankfully I had...and I made sure to do my yoga on Thursday since she was keeping track of me ;). This accountability is a good thing since I don't like to disappoint people or not do what I told people I would. So thanks Lindsay!
A healthier lunch. Avocado toast & tomato basil soup! Yum!
Friday was the big day and I wore a pink dress I got for Christmas and hadn't worn yet because I wasn't confident in it. I felt so much better over the six months of trying to be healthy. I was able to relax and enjoy the day and how BEAUTIFUL Abigail was as a bride and how glad I am to be a part of the Westfall clan!
Abigail and her 5 brothers!
Saturday and Sunday I worked so didn't do any workouts. Monday and Wednesday we went to the gym and did weights and cardio again. I like to do the elliptical. The little blips in the screen with 2 dots on it mean I pushed myself for a minute. Haha, kind of pathetic, but it was a good workout! I also did a run/walk routine on the treadmill which pushed me, kept my heart rate up but was easier and more manageable because I had an end in sight for the difficult, faster running. I also did some Jillian Michael's Yoga on Tuesday and Thursday.
Saturday we were taking a trip to Westport to see family! We left on Saturday, which meant we had to do some sort of exercise. I had to pick up some CCRN study books from someone at work. My solution? Let's walk there! So Matthew and I walked the mile down the steep hill to work and then hiked the hill back up! It was fun to walk some neighborhoods and get a little exercise! Then we were off to Westport! We had a wonderful and relaxing time, yummy food and a cute doggie too! On Sunday we walked along the beach to the rocky spit and back, collecting sand dollars along the way. This was 3 miles total! We rewarded our walk with some sandwiches and a cute coffee shop called Tinderbox!
We got back from our little vacation and exercising did not occur. I was doing some last minute studying/cramming for my CCRN exam that Wednesday. I literally studied from waking up to going to bed. I even studied while I ate. Wednesday came and I was so nervous, anxious, and surprisingly ready to take this on! I took the test and walked out of the room where the person who worked there looked at my printed results. He paused, looking confused, and said, "Soo...do.....you want....the....good news?" He smiled and then stated, "Congrats, you passed!" YIPPEE!! I have been studying since January with more intense studying the last month or two. It's over! (For those that don't know, CCRN is a certificate for nurses who care for critically ill patients. It certifies a deep understanding of pathophysiology and how to treat those with critical illnesses. It is nationally recognized and gives a small bump in pay ;) I celebrated with Chipotle and then went back to work for four days.

On Saturday, after my third of four days, I came home exhausted to an empty house. I was so hungry and couldn't find the time or energy to make some yummy healthy food. So I made some dinner and sat on the couch to watch America Ninja Warrior. My husband calls and asks what I was doing. I pause and look at what is on my plate.

"I am watching Ninja Warrior and eating...Umm......uh... microwaved tortillas with some cheese...."

"Wow," he said, "You sound like a bachelor right now."

Yeah...so maybe I need to have a better plan for alone dinners after work....

So here I am on Monday, with NO STUDYING to do! Yay! I am determined to get back in the groove and plan to due some weights and cardio today. Maybe some zumba? Yeah :)

Even though I had a week off from exercising, I like how me getting back to my "normal routine" means I am exercising and eating better. This has started to become my normal activities that I return to instead of trying to initiate. Sometimes life happens and you have to enjoy it and get back to the routine and workout when you can.

So here's to making exercise a routine! And to no more cheese tortillas for dinner....

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Scheduling the New Plan

I have been MIA. I'm sorry. I have been complacent and comfortable with having my "healthy lifestyle" switch to cruise control and coast without being accountable and working hard.

But that is not why I started this blog. I have heard from several of you about how you share the same struggle as me and need encouragement and accountability as well. I want us all to be healthy and successful in this journey. I don't want to let myself, my husband, or you all down! Let's do this!

So....how do I restart?

My husband and I took out our calendar and wrote in the days and times we are going to exercise. It will take some sacrifice such as having to workout after a long work day or having to make a simple meal that will be ready when we are done working out. But we have a plan. A solid plan.

Every Wednesday we workout when Matthew gets home from work. We do cardio and weights at our gym. Every Thursday when I got home from work, we do something "lighter" such as stretching or yoga to help with toning. Then, each of us have to find two days to workout on our own: 1 day of weights and cardio, the other "lighter" like walks, stretching, yoga or pilates. Mine will be Monday and Tuesdays. THEN every Saturday I don't work, we will sleep in a little and then plan a fun exercise date such as hiking or longs runs.

We planned all this last week and started our new adventure into health with a hike to Rattlesnake Ridge. We fueled up and took healthy snacks (blueberries, Gatorade, sandwiches and saltines with low-fat peanut butter). It was a good hike and I didn't pause as much as I thought I would. The view was amazing, as always and we enjoyed our picnic lunch at the top.

Then we hiked up a half mile and stood in the exact place where Matthew knelt down two years earlier and asked me to marry him. It was a wonderful way to top off our new exercise adventure.  After putting in the hard work, the end, the view and the conquering makes it all worthwhile.
We went to the gym on Wednesday as planned, but didn't do Thursday as it was fourth of July and we had some celebrating after I got off work.


Oh Saturday.

I thought it would be super fun to do some running down at Chamber's Bay since we had never been before. It was warm out, but I thought we could drink water and there would be enough shade. The time we were able to go was after Matthew got off work, around 4pm. What a mistake.

We walked down the first big hill to go to the bathroom, stretch and get some water. Then we were to run/jog a mile, walk 1/2 mile, and run/jog the rest. 0.8 miles in, I am already over heating and exhausted. If I were a car, I would have broke down in smoke and made you pull me over to the side of the road and die. Then we came to the first hill. Correction, mountain side. Those aren't hills people, they are mountains for HIKING. We hadn't gone a mile so Matthew made us "run" up the hill. I think I was making as much progress as someone running up the down escalator. I literally felt as if I wasn't going anywhere. Somehow, I think Matthew physically pushed me part of the way, we made it to a flat spot where my Iphone chirped "one mile" and I stopped. Thankfully, we were at the hills and were able to walk/hike up the rest of the horrible, mean, grueling hills. At the top, it was a half mile so we (I) began to run/weakly jog the rest of the way. It was so hot and I was so tired, but somehow we made it to the car.
It was terrible. I had a headache the rest of the day and was so hot. So, Duh lesson number 1, do NOT exercise in the MIDDLE of a summer day! It will just set you up for failure.

Next time we do that, we are going DOWN those hills in the evening on a cool day. And hopefully I will be more in shape to CONQUER them, instead of having the course conquer me.

So, here I am, starting yet again. But each time I start, I have new lessons, new ideas, new motivation. And I am never going back and restarting from where I was months ago. No, I make healthier and healthier choices that I can still fall back on, even when I have a rough moment...or month.

So on to my new adventure of exercising, and of course counting calories and eating healthy. The one major goal I have is this (and now I have to do it since I am telling you all and already agreed with my husband). September we will hike Mt. Si. I have been so intimidated by this hike as it is 4 miles UP with an elevation gain of 3,150 feet. I am going to work out and be strong so come September, I will stand on the top of that mountain and say, "...." uh...something profound I am sure.

So hold me accountable. Mt. Si, here I come!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Searching for Motivation

So these past few days I was lazy and unmotivated. I ate pizza and didn't have to count it in my calorie log. It was rather nice, and yet I was saddened by my lack of discipline and the possibility that I would really throw away all the hard work and progress I had made.

So I searched for some motivation. I read all my past blog posts to see why I started in the first place. I loved my determination and was also able to see all the ups and downs I have had through this process. And those won't go away. I will never be completely motivated or excited to work hard every day, but sometimes you just need to do it anyway.

I also read part of this book about being physically and spiritually healthy. One part that stood out to me:
"though exercise and staying in shape require a lot of work and even regular pain, not being in shape requires its own pains and labors. If I'm going to hurt in this fallen world...I'd rather hurt and be sore getting in shape than hurt and be sore because my body isn't fit." Gary Thomas, Every Body Matters

So I started back on track on Monday. I counted calories and stayed under budget. I did 30 minutes on the elliptical and did this killer arm work out.
Do it here
Tuesday, although I was sore, I did 30 minutes of my pilates tape. I only said, "I hate you" once to the lady. Progress, right?

Tuesdays are my weigh in day...but I wasn't able to do it today.


Because my husband threw away our scale.

He said, "it is wrong and has brought sadness."

So he threw it in the garbage. I didn't know what to do and was shocked that he would throw it away, just like that! And yet, I loved what he showed me through this action. First of all, I need an ACCURATE scale to show me my progress. Secondly, I can't solely base everything off numbers since they CAN change based on water, meals, hormones, etc.

New plan. Get an accurate scale and weigh myself once a month instead of every week. If I am making progress, this should be seen no matter the day's circumstances.

So although I am not super stoked to get my butt kicked during workouts and be super disciplined, I know it is what I need to do. It is the right thing, it is my goal and I need to stick to it and see it through. I would rather deal with this pain than the pain and sadness I feel when I am tired, out of shape and can't fit into my cute outfits. And I truly believe I will be more effective if I am fit and healthy: a better nurse, better wife, better able to serve and a better mom in the future. So here I start again...whether I feel like it or not, I'm doing it.