Now a little history into why I have been gone and why I'm back.
I originally got in shape to be strong and healthy and ready for kids! My last run was the Turkey Trot November 2013 when I was 5 weeks pregnant.
I was 5 weeks pregnant here! |
Then I had Ellie via Csection because she turned breach 5 days before I went into labor. So the recovery from that was very rough and everything hurt or didn't work properly for about 6 MONTHS! After feeling so crummy, I was determined to get back into shape....AFTER I had nursed for 1 full year, in case my regiment affected supply. So here I am today. Ellie is 13 months, weaning, and this mommy is ready to get fit and back to pre-pregnancy weight (BEFORE Ellie becomes a big sister). Hopefully then I can continue to be fit like my girl Elanor, who is running 5ks while 24 weeks pregnant! Go read and be inspired!
SIDE NOTE: Another major change that just happened: I turned in my resignation from the ICU. It was a difficult decision that I knew was the right one. I accepted an on-call position in an observation unit which will hopefully be less stress- mentally, physically and emotionally. It also gives me flexibility in babysitting schedules and most importantly gives me more time to focus on my family and raising my amazing little girl! I will miss the idea of being an ICU nurse and the amazing opportunity it was to impact patient lives, but I will especially miss my coworkers who have had my back and helped me be a better nurse these past 3.5 years. Thank you and hopefully I will see you around...maybe if I float to PCU or ICU for a day!
So with a little less stress and fewer work days, a weaning baby, and wonderful fall weather, I am embarking on my journey September 7th! I gained 40 pounds with the pregnancy and lost 25 within the first weeks after she was born, so 15 pounds to go!
To prepare I bought a super cute calendar to write in my workouts, meals, rest days etc. I am good at doing preplanned things, but have trouble getting moving when nothing is written down.
The plan? Well, it's partially motivated from the Powell's Carb-cycling and healthy eating, and partially trying to run a 5k in December. So here's the gist:
1. Portion control - Nothing is really off limits, but I try and fuel my body, eat smart carbs, healthy fats and lean proteins and focus on NOT getting seconds or eating 3 portion sizes.
2. Eat frequently - 3 meals and two snacks through the day to keep from starving!
3. Tuesday and Thursday are low carb days. Focus on protein and healthy fats. This is tough to come up with ideas that don't involve bread....since I am a self-diagnosed breadatarian and all...
4. Run or do aerobic activity on high carb days to work up to a 5k that doesn't kill me.
5. Rest every Sunday!!
So Monday the 7th I began. I got wonderful, healthy food from the grocery store and ran a mile....thankfully my hsuband gave me a great pep talk to help me with this daunting run "You can do it! You'll feel like crap, but do it anyway!" thanks Sweetie!
So I "ran" without stopping and pulled an impressive, I mean, laughable, 13:30 mile before collapsing on the front steps. Ok, so I need to go faster, but this shows me where I am starting! Let's see how I improve.
Thanks for tuning back in and sorry for the MIA. Hopefully we can get healthy together and encourage one another! I know I'll need it!